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The 1890s brought boom years to the nascent Aussie wine industry, as connoisseurs throughout Europe and the Empire were introduced to the Dionysian delights of new world Claret by Tyrrell, St Huberts and Wirra Wirra. An enterprising family of Scots took heed of the times to plant grapevines on a uniquely auspicious block in Valley Clare, they called it St Andrew and produced forty vintages of the most sensational quality Claret until the 1930s. The Taylor family acquired the fallow farm in 1995 and brought St Andrew's vines back to life. The treasured block endures as home to the flagship range of Taylor wines, one of the most distinguished vineyards in all Australia. St Andrew's Cabernet was adjudicated by Union de la Sommellerie Française as Best Cabernet Wine in the World at Concours International des Cabernets... *according to the french»

Kennedy Henrietta Tempranillo CONFIRM VINTAGE

Tempranillo Heathcote Victoria
Available by the dozen
Case of 12
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The Kennedy Vineyard is located on prime land along the east facing slope of the Mount Camel Range on Heathcote’s famed Cambrian soil

John and Patricia Kennedy spent their childhood on farms and have a genuine love for the land and the way of life. In 1981 they began wheat and sheep farming at Corop in north central Victoria. They started with basic machinery, quality soil and plenty of enthusiasm. In 1982 the Kennedys ventured into growing tomatoes. The fact that they had no experience in this form of horticulture was given only passing concern. In 2001, while still growing tomatoes and cereals, they decided to acquire land on the Mount Camel Range. This land has been prized for cereal cropping and in later years much sought after for grape production.


They planted their first ten hectares of Shiraz vines in 2002. Another 10 hectares were planted in 2003 followed by a further planting in 2007. The first vintage was produced in 2005. The Kennedys were thrilled with the quality of the wine and with the feedback. They considered themselves lucky to have many helpful neighbours and have employed vineyard, wine production and marketing experts including the noted winemaker Sandro Mosele.

The Mount Camel Range is a ridge which marks the Heathcote fault that runs through Central Victoria. It comprises Cambrian volcanic rock, which is predominantly Greenstone. This rock has weathered to produce fertile red soil with good drainage properties. This together with the elevation, east facing aspect, moderate temperatures and rainfall (backed up by irrigation if required), achieves the production of high quality grapes.

John and Patricia Kennedy make a very special wine. The Kennedy property was carefully chosen and the viticulture is tailored to growing fruit that is flavoursome, structured and balanced, to be gently crafted into wine. Work in the vineyard is focused on unravelling the intricate differences within the site. Pruning has been carefully undertaken to produce vines which are balanced to evenly ripen the crop load.

