In 2002 Greg finally found the ideal site which consisted of approximately 14 hectares of grazing land on well-drained north east facing slopes, with cracking clay over a calciferous base. The site was also frost free. Robert Drew was contracted to establish the original vineyard for planting - which has now been planted with 2.9 hectares of Riesling and 3.8 hectares of Pinot Noir. In 2006 the demands of the expanding vineyard, and Robert Drew’s own very successful vineyard, necessitated the appointment of full-time viticulturist Paul Smart.
Paul is also a talented winemaker and the Pinot Noir is made on-site with the assistance of a Vaslin Bucher basket press and the wise counsel and assistance of neighbour and Morningside winemaker Peter Bosworth. All Pressing Matters’ Rieslings are made under the supervision of Julian Alcorso at Winemaking Tasmania.
In 2008, the tyranny of distance finally took its toll on Francis who sold his interest, but not before Greg and he decided to name the vineyard, Pressing Matters, which was inspired by a print by Tasmanian artist, Tom Samek. It was only fitting that Tom also design the label.
Production remains low but is slowly increasing and to date there has been outstanding success when exhibiting at the Royal Hobart International Wine Show (Trophy for the Most Successful Tasmanian Exhibitor 2009) and Tasmanian Wine Show (Trophy for the Most Successful Exhibitor - 2010, Best Wine of Vintage for 2008 and 2009).
While Pinot volumes remained too low to exhibit until the 2008 vintage which won a Silver medal, all but one of Pressing Matters Riesling have won at least a Silver medal including 6 Trophies and 10 Gold medals. As a result of many favourable reviews extensive enquiries have been received from retailers and restaurants but it is Pressing Matters policy, where possible, to hold wines back from release until they have had a chance to start fulfilling their true potential.