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The First Colonists to arrive in South Australia were brought to Kangaroo Island aboard HMS Buffalo in 1836. Sharing the journey was a veteran of the Royal Navy who had served aboard Lord Nelson's flagship HMS Victory. Frank Potts was an accomplished sailor and carpenter, he built many of the young colony's structures and trading vessels. Six generations later, the Potts family's precious plantings of Malbec have been a key component in many of the nation's most memorable and invaluable vintages for decades. A varietal that performs magnificently on the silty flood plains of Langhorne Creek, Bleasdale's pure Malbec bottlings are a profound statement about the excellence and eloquence which can be achieved after generations of husbanding one of the world's most instrumental yet abstruse wine.. Making the most magnificent malbec»

Jura Isle of 21 Year Single Malt 700ml CONFIRM AVAILABILITY

Scotch Whisky
Jura is an island in the Scottish Hebrides, just seven miles wide and thirty long. Wrapped in superstition with a litany of strange and bewildering customs, there is but one road, one hotel and a single distillery. Diurachs is the Gaelic word for it's people, proud of their land and the extra fine Whisky they have been making for centuries, they will gladly bend the ear of any visitor. Jura is a small and close knit community of less than two hundred, united by the island they love and the warmth of its people. With a dram in hand, life doesn't get any better.
Available in cartons of three
Case of 3
Many moons ago, the Diurachs were entitled to distil Whisky for personal consumption. Alas, all good things come to an end and meddling politicians introduced a ban in 1781. Some years later, as legend has it, Laird Archibald Campbell awoke, sober it must be said, in the middle of the night to see the ghostly figure of an old woman hovering over his bed. She berated him over a lack of the golden liquid on the island. The apparition persuaded him to reverse prohibition and erect a distillery at an old smugglers cave in the hamlet of Craighouse in 1810. To this day, the distillery employs a unique set of taller stills, permitting an eclectic mix of Malts, a feature that differentiates Jura from its island neighbours
Light amber colour. Bright citrus nose with notes of sea salt and bracken fern. Medium bodied with a sweet and delicate palate, smokey notes and peat complexity with a hint of brine developing on the finish. Smooth and easy drinking, a splendid introduction to the extraordonary Malts of Jura
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